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[ 翻譯 ] 2018.12.3- TensorFlow Lite專案分享:Jrobot無人四輪車




Joe Chen、CAVEDU教育團隊


Joe Chen

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Jrobot Self-Drive Powered by TensorFlow Lite

Jrobot無人四輪車的運作核心是TensorFlow Lite。


Previously, we used J-control to drive the Jrobot remotely, and this time we get rid of J-control and let Jrobot to do self-drive.



Jrobot Self Drive is another self-drive experiment based on machine learning, it is not a simulator, it is not a road vehicle, it is a footpath traveler. We built NVIDIA CNN self-drive model using Keras, collected training data, trained the model, and converted the trained model to TensorFlow Lite.

Jrobot無人四輪車是一項建基於機器學習的無人車實驗。Jrobot不是模擬器,也不是道路用車輛,而是一台小型的四輪車。我們運用Keras建構NVIDIA CNN自駕模型,然後收集訓練資料,訓練模型,最後將訓練好的模型轉換至TensorFlow Lite上。


TensorFlow Lite allows us to do inference on a mobile device and is the key part of this project. We added TensorFlow Lite to Jrobot Android app. When running, TensorFlow Lite is able to load the trained model, take a camera image as input and give a steering angle as output. Jrobot app runs on an Android phone (Xiaomi Mi5) sitting in the phone box on Jrobot car and control the movement of the Jrobot car through bluetooth connection with Arduino on the car.

運用TensorFlow Lite使我們可以在行動裝置上進行推論,所以TensorFlow Lite可說是這個專案的核心。我們把TensorFlow Lite加至Jrobot Android app中,當運作時,TensorFlow Lite能夠載入訓練好的模型,然後以照相機的圖像作輸入,並給出一個轉向角作輸出。Jrobot app在Android手機上運作,在下面的影片中,我們使用的手機是小米Mi5。當Jrobot準備行駛前,我們把手機放入Jrobot無人四輪車上的手機盒,並透過手機上的藍牙裝置連接四輪車上的Arduino開發板,以控制四輪車的行駛。


We did road test in 2 places in the neighborhood and the results show us the trained model works well. Even though it is not full self-drive, it makes human control so much easier, and opens up so many new options, which means there is so much more to do. Thank you!









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