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Raspberry Pi 生產與供應鏈更新


本文取得授權後。翻譯自 [Production and supply-chain update],原文作者為 Eben Upton,原文中的我們指 “Raspberry Pi 基金會


您應已發現,現在不太容易買到 Raspberry Pi。造成這個現象有幾個原因,我們認為這篇文章有助於說明從去年 10 月首次發文討論以來發生了什麼事情。


已過六個月以來,我們很努力產出更多 Raspberry Pi 產品並送達顧客手中。 Despite a variety of supply-chain challenges, we’ve consistently been able to 讓單板電腦與運算模組的產量每月可達約 50 萬 (half a million)。如去年 10 月所述,用於 Raspberry Pi 4 與 Compute Module 4 的 28nm BCM2711 晶片在供貨上已比較早期產品中的 40nm 晶片更穩定。

We have a strong pipeline of components, and will continue to build units at at least this rate over the coming months.


如前所述,the current situation is as much a demand shock as a supply shock:Raspberry Pi 相關產品的需求自 2021 年初以來急遽增加,而供應鏈相關限制使得我們無法彈性調整來滿足這波需求,導致 we now have significant order backlogs for almost all products. In turn, our many resellers have their own backlogs, which they fulfil when they receive stock from us.

Raspberry Pi being made in our factory in Wales

These backlogs absorb Raspberry Pi units as fast as (或更快!) we can produce them,造成這些極小的產量在 reseller 網站上一上架就秒殺。Where units do appear,但搶貨機器人 often attempt to scalp stock which is then resold at higher prices elsewhere。許多經過認證的 Resellers 已建立的一人一片限制來對抗這個現象,而 Adafruit 與其他 reseller 則進一步採用兩階段認證 – we’re encouraging other Approved Resellers to consider this route.

我們已投入大量時間來管理存貨。We have to balance volume demand from commercial and industrial customers with the demand we see from individuals。目前我們覺得要做的事情是 prioritise commercial and industrial customers – 需要 Raspberry Pi 來執行商業行為的人 – we’re acutely aware that people’s livelihoods are at stake。目前的供貨足以滿足顧客需求。(Read to the end if you’re in this position and are struggling.) Unfortunately this comes at the cost of constrained supply for individual customer, who might be looking to buy a small number for home projects or for prototyping.


So, what should you do if you need to buy a Raspberry Pi in 2022?


這真的講到不要講了!Our 認證經銷商 get preferential access to supplies of Raspberry Pi products. They’re also held to a single price: those people you see complaining on social media that they’ve seen Raspberry Pis on sale for vastly inflated amounts of money 都不是從認證經銷商購買的,who will all sell you a Raspberry Pi product for the price we state on our products pages 加上當地稅金與合理運費。

If you’re a consumer, click on the “Buy Now” on a Raspberry Pi product page to find an Approved Reseller in your region. Some Approved Resellers take pre-orders, and should be able to give you a good indication of how long it will take to fulfil an order; others don’t, in which case you may want to use tools such as rpilocator to keep an eye on which resellers have recently received stock.

Consider Raspberry Pi 400, or Raspberry Pi Pico

These products are generally in better stock positions.

Raspberry Pi 400
Raspberry Pi 400

We set aside a certain amount of BCM2711 silicon supply for Raspberry Pi 400, which plays an important role in our mission to provide general-purpose PC computing at an affordable price. Many of our Approved Resellers have this product in stock today.

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico, and the many third-party boards based on our RP2040 microcontroller,雖然不像 Raspberry Pi 系列產品是功能完整的 PC, 也可用於許多相同的嵌入式專題中。我們 Pico 與 RP2040 的存貨非常充足。


If you require volume supply of Raspberry Pi products for an industrial or commercial application, you can contact us at business@raspberrypi.com. There remain levers we can pull,我們會盡全力協助您。

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