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截圖自Intel第二代神經運算棒介紹影片,特此致謝! |
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Intel is hosting its first artificial intelligence (AI) developer conference in Beijing on Nov. 14 and 15. The company kicked off the event with the introduction of the Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2 (Intel NCS 2) designed to build smarter AI algorithms and for prototyping computer vision at the network edge. Based on the Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X vision processing unit (VPU) and supported by the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, the Intel NCS 2 affordably speeds the development of deep neural networks inference applications while delivering a performance boost over the previous generation neural compute stick. The Intel NCS 2 enables deep neural network testing, tuning and prototyping, so developers can go from prototyping into production leveraging a range of Intel vision accelerator form factors in real-world applications.
11月14、15日,Intel正在北京主辦自家首次的「人工智慧開發者大會」。Intel在會議開場便向與會者介紹了 Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2 (Intel NCS 2 第二代神經運算棒,本文後簡稱NCS2)。NCS2是為了建構更聰明的AI演算法,以及在網路邊緣節點上的電腦視覺原型開發所設計。NCS2的運作是以 Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X 視覺運算單元(VPU)為基礎,並支援Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit,能加速深度神經網路推論應用的開發,同時效能相較於第一代的神經運算棒提升得更多。NCS2可做到深度神經網路的測試、調整與原型開發,使開發者可以實際利用一系列不同大小的Intel視覺加速器,幫助您從原型一路走到商品化。
“The first-generation Intel Neural Compute Stick sparked an entire community of AI developers into action with a form factor and price that didn’t exist before. We’re excited to see what the community creates next with the strong enhancement to compute power enabled with the new Intel Neural Compute Stick 2.”
–Naveen Rao, Intel corporate vice president and general manager of the AI Products Group
Intel副總裁暨AI事業部總經理Naveen Rao表示:「第一代的神經運算棒的外觀造型和價格已可說是前所未見,也鼓勵了非常多AI開發者來實際運用它。我們十分樂見伴隨著第二代神經運算棒的運算能力大大提升之後,整個AI開發者社群在未來能創造出更多令人驚艷的專案或產品!」
What It Does: Bringing computer vision and AI to Internet of Things (IoT) and edge device prototypes is easy with the enhanced capabilities of the Intel NCS 2. For developers working on a smart camera, a drone, an industrial robot or the next must-have smart home device, the Intel NCS 2 offers what’s needed to prototype faster and smarter.
隨著Intel NCS2的效能大幅提升,開發者將更容易將電腦視覺與AI人工智慧整合進物聯網(IoT)及邊緣裝置的原型中。針對智慧相機、無人機、工業用機器人,或是未來每個家庭都必備的智慧家庭裝置,Intel NCS2更提供了開發者能夠讓原型更快更智慧設計之所需。
What looks like a standard USB thumb drive hides much more inside. The Intel NCS 2 is powered by the latest generation of Intel VPU – the Intel Movidius Myriad X VPU. This is the first to feature a neural compute engine – a dedicated hardware neural network inference accelerator delivering additional performance. Combined with the Intel Distribution of the OpenVINO toolkit supporting more networks, the Intel NCS 2 offers developers greater prototyping flexibility. Additionally, thanks to the Intel® AI: In Production ecosystem, developers can now port their Intel NCS 2 prototypes to other form factors and productize their designs.
NCS2的外表看來就像個USB隨身碟,內在卻蘊含許多最新科技。由最新一代的Intel VPU(Intel Movidius Myriad X VPU)為基礎,NCS2是第一個標榜為神經運算引擎的產品 — 能提供更多運算效能的神經網路推論專用加速器。。結合了由Intel所推出,且支援更多網路的OpenVINO工具包,NCS2給予開發者在原型開發上更大的彈性。此外,感謝Intel® AI: In Production 生態系,開發者現在可將他們的Intel NCS2原型以不同的外觀造型來呈現,並將自己的設計產品化。
How It Works: With a laptop and the Intel NCS 2, developers can have their AI and computer vision applications up and running in minutes. The Intel NCS 2 runs on a standard USB 3.0 port and requires no additional hardware, enabling users to seamlessly convert and then deploy PC-trained models to a wide range of devices natively and without internet or cloud connectivity.
只要一台筆記型電腦與一隻NCS2,開發者馬上就能進行各種AI和電腦視覺應用!NCS2只要接上標準的USB 3.0連接埠即可,不需要額外的硬體設備,讓使用者能把原本在PC上訓練的模型轉換並部署至各種裝置上,過程中不需連接網際網路或雲端服務。
The first-generation Intel NCS, launched in July 2017, has fueled a community of tens of thousands of developers, has been featured in more than 700 developer videos and has been utilized in dozens of research papers. Now with greater performance in the NCS 2, Intel is empowering the AI community to create even more ambitious applications.
備註:如果想要購買Intel NCS相關產品,請洽機器人王國商城,謝謝。
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