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Can you help solve a problem in your community by using the BBC micro:bit?You could win an all-expenses-paid trip to London to take part in the amazing micro:bit Global Challenge day and start to make a real difference in the world!
你可以運用BBC micro:bit,幫助您所屬社群解決問題嗎?如果你願意的話,就有機會贏得一趟免費前往英國倫敦的旅程,參加超級精彩的micro:bit全球挑戰日,並開始讓這個世界有所不同!
The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals have been created to reduce inequality and to create a world that is fair for everyone, where no-one is left behind. We want you to think about how you can help achieve goal 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), 4 (Quality Education), and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) by focusing on the themes, non-communicable diseases and safety. How can we ensure that people stay healthy and choose healthy lifestyles? How do we make sure all communities are safe for people to carry out their jobs and attend school?If you want to find out more about the themes, take a look at our teaching resources.
請參考「世界最大的一節課(World’s Largest Lesson)」網站上的可持續發展目標或全球目標,設立這些目標的目的,是為減少不平等並產生一個對每個人都公平的世界,在這個世界中沒有一個人被遺棄。我們期盼你思考,你如何能協助達成目標三(良好的健康與幸福狀態)、目標四(素質教育)、目標十六(和平、正義及強而有力的公共機構),藉由聚焦於非傳染性疾病與安全這個主題。我們如何確保人們保持健康並選擇健康的生活方式呢?我們如何確保所有的社群對人們都是安全的,使他們可以工作並上學呢?如果你想進一步了解這些主題,歡迎看一看我們的教學資源。
By using the BBC micro:bit, we want you to design and make a solution to a problem that affects you and your community or another community somewhere in the world.
透過使用BBC micro:bit,我們盼望你針對一個影響你和你所屬社群的問題,或是一個影響世界上其它角落另一個社群的問題,設計並製做出解決方案。
This could be a device that will encourage people to get active and stay healthy. It could be a recipe plan to help your family eat well. Could you help people decide which exercise would suit them best?
Or perhaps you and your friends need some more lights for your bikes that start working when the sun sets? Is crossing the road a problem at your school? Could there be a system that helps make it safe? Is there a device that helps prevent bullying at school?
Whatever the issue is, we’re interested to hear how you would go about solving it. The micro:bit can do so many things so use your imagination and be as creative as possible!
Don’t worry if the problem you want to work on seems small. Remember that small changes can have a big impact!
The competition is open to young people across the world aged 8-12. You may work in a team or as an individual on the challenge. Unfortunately only one person will be able to travel to the Global Challenge finale event, so make sure you discuss this with any team mates in advance. The competition is free to enter and you don’t even have to have a micro:bit to take part. If you’ve got an idea, put it down on paper or use the Let’s Code page. We’ll accept photos of your plans, too. For full competition details and rules, please read the Terms and Conditions.
這項競賽開放給全球8-12歲的少年人參加,你可以組隊參加或個人挑戰。但如果你是組隊挑戰的話,團隊中只有一位成員能前往英國參加最終挑戰。這項競賽完全免費,你甚至不需要擁有一片micro:bit。如果你有一個好點子,請在白紙上寫下它,或是使用Let’s Code網頁,我們也將接受你計畫的照片或截圖。如果你想要了解競賽的全部細節和規則,請參考這裡。
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[Micro:bit] 一次學Micro:bit就有概念!?是的,請看這一篇(二)
[Micro:bit] 一次學Micro:bit就有概念!?是的,請看這一篇(三)